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1. 考试当日,根据国务院实时发布的最新疫情等级信息,来自国内中、高风险地区和境外或尚处在居家隔离期内的考生不可进入考场参加雅思考试。所有考生须确保“武汉战役”、 “国务院7天行程卡” 均为绿码(不接受行程码上7天省外和3天武汉市外旅居史的考试)。

2. 考生进入校园必须佩戴口罩。

3. 考生进入校园时需出示24小时内纸质核酸检测阴性证明以及连续3天武汉市医学机构检测纸质核酸阴性证明(可打印湖北健康码核酸记录截图),并在考试当天将纸质证明交予考点留存(口试和笔试均需提交)。

4. 考生进入校园时需出示当天考试的雅思准考证。

5. 考生进入校园时需出示身份证件(若使用护照报名,也请同时携带身份证以备核查)。

6. 考生进入校园时需测量体温。体温符合标准的考生,即体温低于37.3摄氏度方可进入学校。

7. 出租车,网约车和私家车等社会车辆禁止入校。

8. 考生(包括小于18岁的未成年考生)需在指定时间进入学校,家长/陪考人员一律禁止入校。若考生的考试时间是在上午,则进出学校的时间只限于当天上午,考生不可以“以熟悉考场”为由,在非指定时间要求入校。

9. 考试结束后请考生随即离开校园,不得在校园内停留,不得进入校园公共区域。





Notice on IELTS Test Epidemic Prevention and Control

Arrangement at Hubei Business College

Following the instructions on COVID-19 prevention and control, candidates who haveregistered for IELTS test at Hubei Business College need to be aware of the following important notice:

1) Candidates can only be allowed to enter the campus with valid health code(GREEN) and travel code (ONLY staying in Hubei province in past 7 days and in Wuhan in Past 3 days).

2) Candidates must wear a medical mask.

3) Candidates must provide a PAPER negative nucleic acid test result within 24-hoursas well as Paper negative nucleic acid certificate detected by Wuhan medical institution for 3consecutive days.(The screenshot of Hubei Health Code nucleic acid record can be printed). The paper certificate shall be submitted to the examination site for retention on the day of the examination(for bothspeakingand written examinations).

4) Candidates must present IELTS Test Admission Ticket.

5)Candidates must present the ID card (if you use your passport for registration,please also bring your ID card for verification).

6) Candidates need to go through temperature check. Those whose temperature is at or higher than 37.3 degrees Celsius will not be allowed to enter the campus.

7) Taxis, hired cars and private cars are prohibited for entering the place.

8) Parents or companions are not allowed into the campus. If test is scheduled in the morning, candidates can only be allowed to enter and leave before noon time.Candidates will not be allowed to enter the campus for test venue check before the test.The same rule applies for those whose tests are scheduled in the afternoon.

9) Candidates are not allowed to enter any public areas in the campus. Please leave the campus immediately after the test.

Candidates should pay attention to the test venue :

Written test venue address:Hubei Business College(Wuhan Campus),No.632 XiongChu Street,Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei

Speaking test venue address: Hubei Science & Education Mansion Block B, No.2Hongshan Road, Wuchang district, Wuhan, Hubei

We will keep you updated if there is any change on the above arrangements.
